Archive for January, 2016

Richmond Environmental Film Festival

Posted in Environment, Film, Richmond, Science with tags on January 31, 2016 by kozmicdogz

February 1-7. For information and schedule of films for the 2016 Richmond Environmental Film Festival go HERE!

Richmond, VA – Skyline 1980

Posted in Photography, Richmond with tags on January 28, 2016 by kozmicdogz


The Richmond skyline looking downtown from the overpass at the 200 block of S. Laurel Street in Oregon Hill. I most likely was on my bike looking down on the Downtown Expressway and lived just a few blocks away on Albemarle Street.

Blizzard of 2016

Posted in Environment with tags , on January 26, 2016 by kozmicdogz

I would have posted something sooner but I was too busy shoveling snow.

Some photos are here!

Tree Work

Posted in Environment with tags on January 20, 2016 by kozmicdogz


We had a huge double red oak at the head of the driveway. It had some very large dead branches looming over the neighbor’s house and had been dropping branches in the driveway for the past few years. Three different tree people said that it had to come down and it was in a dangerous place, between houses and over lines and a fence. Once we decided to have it taken care of and got it scheduled it was January. Cold, but at least sunny. The tree company had to call the Electric Company to have the line dropped, which meant the power lines were cut from the house and wound up and hung from the nearest telephone pole. No power, no heat.

When I got home from work the tree man said they had called the electric company at 1:30 to have the power hooked back up. Great I said, “can you call them again and check on it as it is now 4 o’clock.” He confirmed that it had been dispatched. We waited. We built a fire. We drank some wine. We bundled up. At 6 we thought of calling the power company. But we were having such a good time telling stories and they had already been called twice. At 8 we called the power company reporting that the lights were out. They had no record of getting the reconnect call. In 30 minutes the power was back on.

So if your tree guy has to “drop the line” call the power company and check on it yourself if you are sitting in the dark. Someone dropped the ball.