Archive for "patti smith"

A Book of Days

Posted in Art, Writers & Writing with tags , , on January 9, 2023 by kozmicdogz

A Book of Days by Patti Smith

366 days.
I have read January.

Photos, comments or captions and sometimes poems.
Should I read it straight through?
Or one page for each corresponding day?
What about February 29?
Wait for a leap year to read it?
I think there’s one next year.

I don’t want to read the entire book at one sitting.
I want to savor it. Read it slowly.
I am thinking of reading a month of days at a time on the first day of each month.

If I want to I can reread the current month as many times as I want over the course of the month.

This will give me something to look forward to on the first of each month.
A much more pleasurable task along with paying bills and the mortgage and cleaning the kitchen drain with baking soda and vinegar.

One month at a time.
To make it last all year.


The first Patti Smith book I purchased was Seventh Heaven.
I purchased it in August 1977.

I still have it.