Archive for Music

Living in a Cassette World

Posted in Music, Richmond with tags , , , , , , , on April 3, 2024 by kozmicdogz

Recently I managed to get my SONY dual cassette deck working again and it works great. I had thought that it was not that old, and that I had gotten it only 10 years or so ago. Stashed underneath the deck I found the receipt from when I purchased it (I know, weird huh?) and I had gotten it from Circuit City for $99.00 in March 2000. Twenty-four years ago last month.

With the help of YouTube I replaced all four belts on the deck, cleaned the heads with alcohol, and blew out the interior with compressed air which was impressively clean.

So now I had a working dual cassette deck and I still have quite a few cassettes. Going through them I picked out a few and have been listening to them in the quiet of the morning. One is a crazy combo of Julie London, Peggy Lee and Grace Jones. Another is the tango and Satie & Tango tape I used to play at the Biograph through the sound system in-between the movies. I haven’t found the tape of Vivaldi’s the Four Seasons yet which I also regularly played at the Biograph. But I will keep looking.

The tapes, most of the over twenty years old play great. I even fixed a Reggae tape that had jammed up and I used to play all the time.

Unfortunately, the Diana Ross & the Supremes tape was missing from the case. Misplaced many years ago.

Glad I did not purge all of my tapes. It’s like opening a musical time capsule and revisiting a forgotten time and old friends.