Archive for Bejo

“The Artist” ~ Go See It!

Posted in Film with tags , , , , on February 3, 2012 by kozmicdogz

True to form I did not read any reviews before I saw the film, but kept hearing how good it was from people.  It has been nominated for an Academy Award for best picture which it clearly deserves.  I sat in the front row of the theatre and loved every minute.

A perfect movie to lift ones spirits.  The film starts in 1927, Jean Dujardin plays a silent film star working in films on the cusp of talkies. A great movie for those who love movies and movie making. There were many things I loved about this film.  It made me laugh, it made me cry.  The music was wonderful, the acting and sets perfect. I wanted to see it again as soon as it was over. Don’t let “silent” or “Black and White” deter you from seeing it. Go see it today.

“The Artist” – directed by Michel Hazanavicius and starring Jean Dujardin as George Valentin and Berenice Bejo as Peppy Miller.